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* Some staffs work in roster. They might be available later. Excluding Field Staffs.

Daily Attendance Report

Report Date : 27/07/2024

Print Date : July 27,2024 08:07 pm

SL Division/District/Upazila Total Facility Sending Data Not Sending Rgd. in attendance system Leave Number of Present (Old Device) Number of Present (New Device) Total Number of Present Absent Att%
Govt. Outsource Total Govt. Outsource Total Govt. Outsource Govt. Outsource Govt. Outsource Total
1 Barisal 60 23 37 4948 22 4970 40 40 1640 9 161 1810 2872 13 2885
2 Chattogram 147 84 63 12127 50 12177 84 84 5663 5 383 19 6070 5528 24 5552
3 Dhaka 188 106 82 34360 1432 35792 144 144 9140 134 5088 643 15005 18038 896 18934
4 Khulna 98 54 44 8212 35 8247 114 114 2852 19 873 3 3747 4238 12 4250
5 Mymensingh 49 25 24 5413 2 5415 22 22 1312 2 205 1519 3801 3801
6 Rajshahi 102 62 40 13630 19 13649 47 47 3636 1 643 1 4281 6561 12 6573
7 Rangpur 86 40 46 7955 7 7962 15 15 2302 2 242 2546 5161 4 5165
8 Sylhet 56 25 31 4678 2 4680 100 100 897 101 998 3348 2 3350
Total 27442 172 7696 666 35976     50510