Supported by:
Management Information System (MIS)
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW)
Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212


Health is one of the fundamental rights of human being and Government has a constitutional obligation article 15(a) and 18(1) to ensure public health service to all citizens. Therefore, the Govt of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh has adopted the 4th sector program "Health, Nutrition and Population Strategic Investment Plan (HNPSIP) 2016-2021 " for moving towards "universal health coverage through SWAP. There is also a strong Government commitment through vision 2021 and National Policies on Health, Nutrition and Population, which would help in further strengthening to adopt and rectify the international health goals/targets that to be achieved by SDGs. For instance MDGs are moved towards SDGs in order to attain the unfinished HPNSDP for ensuring universal Health coverage through out wide the country. We wish every one would support and provide valuable inputs in our journey towards the end of 2016. Dr. Uday Sankar Chakma Civil Surgeon Bandarban Hill District. Phone: 0361-62524

Dr. Uday Sankar Chakma
Civil Surgeon
Bandarban Civil Surgeon Office



Chief Editor

Dr. Uday Sankar Chakma, Civil Surgeon, Bandarban

Special Acknowledgement

1. Dr. Aung Tha Loo, DMCH&IO, GAVI HSS, CSO, Bandarban.

2. Mr. Usaimong Marma, HMIS, Consultant, UNICEF, CSO, Bandarban.


1. Dr. Aung Swe Prue Marma, Deputy Civil Surgeon, CS office, Bandarban.


1. Md. Ashraful Islam, Statistical Assistant

Certificate of Authentication

We, the above members of the Editorial Board, hereby certify that we collectively examined the content and data used in this LHB 2016 and to the best of our knowledge they represent the true picture of the local situation.


Basic Information
Name of District Bandarban
Organization Code 10000654
Name of Civil SurgeonDr. Uday Sankar Chakma
Land Phone No. 1 36162524
Land Phone No. 2 N/A
FAX No. 036162622
Mobile No. 01746215350
GPS location of CS Office Lati: 22.1138 And Long: 92.1356
No. of Upazila in the District7
No. of Households in the District 80102
Population in the District 404093
Area of District in sq km 4479.03


Existing Health Facilities
Facility Type Total No.of Faciliti(es) No. of Beds
Medical College Hospital 0 0
District Hospital 1 100
General Hospital 0 0
Upazila Health Complexes 6 163
Union Sub Centers 1 0
Union Health & Family Welfare Centers (under DGHS) 0 0
Union Health & Family Welfare Centers (under DGFP) 22 24
Rural Dispensaries 0 0
Community Clinics 80 0
Trauma Centers 0 0
MCWCs (belong to DGFP) 1 20
Chest Disease (TB) Clinics/Hospitals 0 0


Existing Health Facilities
Facility Type Total No.of Faciliti(es) No. of Beds
Private Clinics/Facilities 2 17
NGO Clinics/Facilities 1 2
10 Bed Hospitals 2 20
20 Bed Hospitals 0 0


No. of Live Births & Child Deaths in the District (Jan-Dec, 2015)
Total No. of live births: 13,783

Neonatal Mortality Rate: 12.4 (Per 1,000 live births)
Total No. of Children Treated under IMCI Program : 37,412
Fully Vaccinated Children (<= 12 months): 94 %


No. of Maternal Health Services Provided in the District (Jan-Dec, 2015)
R.P.W. (No.) : Reg. Pregnent Women; 1st ANC (No.) : At least 1 ANC; 4th ANC (No.) : ANCs (4+); N.deli(No.) : Normal Delivery; C.deli(No.) : Cesarean Section; O.deli(No.) : Other Assisted Delivery; PNC(No.) : PNC Within 2 days;


No. of Maternal Health Services Provided in the District (Jan-Dec, 2015)

Indicator DH's Total UHC Total Govt. Facilities NGO Facilities Private Facilities MCWCs (belongs to DGFP) Not in Facilities (Home, Camps, etc. by govt. & other providers) Total
Reg. Pregnent Women 819 429 1295 765 56 0 11329 14693
At least 1 ANC 819 429 1295 765 56 0 11329 14693
ANCs (4+) 420 223 833 258 0 0 6672 8406
Normal Delivery 237 280 936 315 15 235 11503 13521
Cesarean Section 22 0 4 0 160 0 0 186
Other Assisted Delivery 83 0 0 24 0 0 100 207
PNC Within 2 days 342 278 875 589 176 235 3819 6314


No. of Maternal Health Services Provided in the District (Jan-Dec, 2015)

Indicator DH's Total UHC Total Govt. Facilities NGO Facilities Private Facilities MCWCs (belongs to DGFP) Not in Facilities (Home, Camps, etc. by govt. & other providers) Total
Maternal Death 2 2 0 0 0 0 14 18
Total Deliveries 342 280 940 339 175 235 11603 13914
Valid TT5 Coverage (%) 46.2


No. of OPD & Emergency visits, Admissions & Deaths
Health Facility OPD visits (Year 2023)
<= 5)
<= 5)
Total Male
> 5)
> 5)
Total Grand-Total
Male Female Both
District Hospital 8139 6658 14,797 14818 18839 33,657 22957 25497 48454
Upazila Health Complex 18300 23369 41,669 36241 57360 93,601 54541 80729 135270
Union Sub-Centers 2130 3000 5,130 5690 7661 13,351 7820 10661 18481
Union Health & Family Welfare Centers (under DGHS) 2225 3211 5,436 14270 22412 36,682 16495 25623 42118
Union Health & Family Welfare Centers (belong to DGFP) 270 231 501 756 520 1,276 1026 751 1777
Rural/Urban/Thana Health Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Community Clinics 21761 18595 40,356 87785 143830 231,615 109546 162425 271971
Trauma Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


No. of OPD & Emergency visits, Admissions & Deaths
Health Facility OPD visits (Year 2023)
<= 5)
<= 5)
Total Male
> 5)
> 5)
Total Grand-Total
Male Female Both
MCWCs (belong to DGFP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chest Disease (TB) Clinics/Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Clinics/Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NGO Clinics/Facilities 2673 10574 13,247 9504 37332 46,836 12177 47906 60083
10 Bed Hospitals 1272 1003 2,275 9685 11597 21,282 10957 12600 23557
20 Bed Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medical College Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any other health facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


No. of OPD & Emergency visits, Admissions & Deaths
Health Facility Emergency visits (Year 2023)
<= 5)
<= 5)
Total Male
> 5)
> 5)
Total Grand-Total
Male Female Both
District Hospital 3488 2853 6,341 6350 8073 14,423 9838 10926 20764
Upazila Health Complex 579 673 1,252 2975 2542 5,517 3554 3215 6769
Trauma Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chest Disease (TB) Clinics/Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Bed Hospitals 57 65 122 552 337 889 609 402 1011
20 Bed Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medical College Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any other health facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


No. of OPD & Emergency visits, Admissions & Deaths
Health Facility Admissions (Year 2023)
<= 5)
<= 5)
Total Male
> 5)
> 5)
Total Grand-Total
Male Female Both
District Hospital 973 796 1,769 2390 2655 5,045 3363 3451 6814
Upazila Health Complex 1800 2476 4,276 5465 5636 11,101 7265 8112 15377
Trauma Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chest Disease (TB) Clinics/Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Bed Hospitals 140 127 267 806 819 1,625 946 946 1892
20 Bed Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medical College Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any other health facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


No. of OPD & Emergency visits, Admissions & Deaths
Health Facility In Patient deaths (Year 2023)
<= 5)
<= 5)
Total Male
> 5)
> 5)
Total Grand-Total
Male Female Both
District Hospital 22 14 36 0 22 22 22 36 58
Upazila Health Complex 13 11 24 18 23 41 31 34 65
Trauma Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chest Disease Clinics (TB Clinics) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Bed Hospitals 3 2 5 1 2 3 4 4 8
20 Bed Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Medical College Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any other health facility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Morbidity Profile

Top (5) causes of child morbidity (age <= 5 years)

Total No. of admitted patients reviewed for under five morbidity profile 2516
No. ICD-10 Code Disease name No. of Cases %
1 J189 J189 Pneumonia, unspecified 1380 54.8
2 A09 A09 Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin 786 31.2
3 A99 A99 Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever 205 8.1
4 B50 B50 Plasmodium falciparum malaria 75 3.0
5 N390 N390 Urinary tract infection, site not specified 70 2.8

Top (5) 30+ population disease profile

Total No. of cases reviewed for 30+ population disease profile 3650
No. ICD-10 Code Disease name No. of Cases %
1 K271 K271 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified, acute with perforation 945 25.9
2 A09 A09 Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin 941 25.8
3 Y09 Y09 Assault by unspecified means 568 15.6
4 N390 N390 Urinary tract infection, site not specified 449 12.3
5 A01 A01 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers 422 11.6


Mortality Profile

Top (5) causes of death for age <= 5 years

Total No. of cases reviewed for age <= 5 years 50
No. ICD-10 Code Disease name No. of Cases %
1 J189 J189 Pneumonia, unspecified 34 68.0
2 B349 B349 Viral infection, unspecified 5 10.0
3 T36 T36 Poisoning by systemic antibiotics 4 8.0
4 A09 A09 Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin 4 8.0
5 D539 D539 Nutritional anaemia, unspecified 3 6.0

Top (5) Maternal causes of death

Total No. of cases reviewed for maternal deaths 18
No. ICD-10 Code Disease name No. of Cases %
1 O72 O72 Postpartum haemorrhage 6 33.3
2 O63 O63 Long labour 5 27.8
3 O15 O15 Eclampsia 4 22.2
4 O655 O655 Obstructed labour due to abnormality of maternal pelvic organs 2 11.1
5 O711 O711 Rupture of uterus during labour 1 5.6


Mortality Profile

Top (5) causes of death between ages 30 & 70 years

Total No. of cases reviewed for causes of death (30 to 70 years) 35
No. ICD-10 Code Disease name No. of Cases %
1 J45 J45 Asthma 9 25.7
2 T36 T36 Poisoning by systemic antibiotics 8 22.9
3 J44 J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 7 20.0
4 N390 N390 Urinary tract infection, site not specified 6 17.1
5 D55 D55 Anaemia due to enzyme disorders 5 14.3
Water & sanitation
Indicators District %
Coverage of households having access to safe drinking water (%) 49.2
Coverage of households having access to sanitary latrines (%) 46.1


Surgeries done under the CS Office
Type No.
Major Surgeries 54
Minor Surgeries 3291


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - designation grade wise)
Grade Sanctioned Filled-up Vacant Vacancy %
Male Female Total (M+F)
District Total
Grade 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 4 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 5 5 1 0 1 4 80.0
Grade 6 .33 14 6 20 -19.67 -5,960.6
Grade 7 6 0 0 0 6 100.0
Grade 8 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 9 65 25 5 30 35 53.8
Grade 10 117 12 62 74 43 36.8


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - designation grade wise)
Grade Sanctioned Filled-up Vacant Vacancy %
Male Female Total (M+F)
District Total
Grade 11 90 63 22 85 5 5.6
Grade 12 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 13 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 14 47 40 7 47 0 0.0
Grade 15 53 40 13 53 0 0.0
Grade 16 201 114 83 197 4 2.0
Grade 17 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 18 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 19 2 2 0 2 0 0.0
Grade 20 149 86 51 137 12 8.1


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - designation grade wise)
Grade Sanctioned Filled-up Vacant Vacancy %
Male Female Total (M+F)
Civil Surgeon Office
Grade 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 4 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 5 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 6 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 7 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 8 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 9 6 1 0 1 5 83.3
Grade 10 10 6 1 7 3 30.0


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - designation grade wise)
Grade Sanctioned Filled-up Vacant Vacancy %
Male Female Total (M+F)
Civil Surgeon Office
Grade 11 1 0 1 1 0 0.0
Grade 12 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 13 1 1 0 1 0 0.0
Grade 14 9 8 1 9 0 0.0
Grade 15 3 3 0 3 0 0.0
Grade 16 7 3 3 6 1 14.3
Grade 17 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 18 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Grade 19 2 2 0 2 0 0.0
Grade 20 13 10 2 12 1 7.7


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - personal grade wise)
Grade Filled-up
Male Female Total (M+F)
District Total
Grade 1 0 0 0
Grade 2 0 0 0
Grade 3 0 0 0
Grade 4 0 0 0
Grade 5 0 0 0
Grade 6 0 0 0
Grade 7 1 1 2
Grade 8 0 0 0
Grade 9 0 0 0
Grade 10 0 0 0


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - personal grade wise)
Grade Filled-up
Male Female Total (M+F)
District Total
Grade 11 0 0 0
Grade 12 0 0 0
Grade 13 0 0 0
Grade 14 0 0 0
Grade 15 0 0 0
Grade 16 0 0 0
Grade 17 0 0 0
Grade 18 0 0 0
Grade 19 0 0 0
Grade 20 0 0 0


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - personal grade wise)
Grade Filled-up
Male Female Total (M+F)
Civil Surgeon Office
Grade 1 0 0 0
Grade 2 0 0 0
Grade 3 0 0 0
Grade 4 0 0 0
Grade 5 0 0 0
Grade 6 0 0 0
Grade 7 0 0 0
Grade 8 0 0 0
Grade 9 0 0 0
Grade 10 0 0 0


Status of Human Resources (Pay scale - personal grade wise)
Grade Filled-up
Male Female Total (M+F)
Civil Surgeon Office
Grade 11 0 0 0
Grade 12 0 0 0
Grade 13 0 0 0
Grade 14 0 0 0
Grade 15 0 0 0
Grade 16 0 0 0
Grade 17 0 0 0
Grade 18 0 0 0
Grade 19 0 0 0
Grade 20 0 0 0


Status of Human Resources under DGHS updated during this report preparation
UHC DH/GH Others IM-
Physician 0 0 1 1 80 38 21 11 6 2 6 0 0
Nurse 0 0 0 0 80 43 38 34 1 1 11 7 3
Medical Assistant 0 0 24 23 12 12 0 0 0 0 11 0 0
Medical Technologist 0 0 0 0 44 41 6 6 1 1 0 0 0
CHCP 94 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HI 0 0 0 0 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AHI 0 0 0 0 29 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HA 0 0 0 0 144 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Total 94 94 25 24 398 308 65 51 8 4 28 7 11


Equipment report is up-to-date
Equipment   Not installed (No.) Total (No.)
Functional (No.) Non-functional
Repairable (No.) Non-Repairable (No.)
Ambulance 0 0 0 0 0
Bus 0 0 0 0 0
Jeep 1 0 0 0 1
Microbus 0 0 0 0 0
Pickup 0 0 1 0 1


Equipment report is up-to-date
Equipment   Not installed (No.) Total (No.)
Functional (No.) Non-functional
Repairable (No.) Non-Repairable (No.)
Air conditioner
Air conditioner (split type) 1 0 0 0 1
Air conditioner (window) 2 0 0 0 2


Equipment report is up-to-date
Equipment   Not installed (No.) Total (No.)
Functional (No.) Non-functional
Repairable (No.) Non-Repairable (No.)
Generator (diesel/petrol) 1 0 0 0 1
Generator (Gas) 0 0 0 0 0
Solar panel 0 0 0 0 0
IPS 1 0 0 0 1


Equipment report is up-to-date
Equipment   Not installed (No.) Total (No.)
Functional (No.) Non-functional
Repairable (No.) Non-Repairable (No.)
ICT equipment
Computer (desktop) 9 1 0 0 10
Laptop 1 3 0 0 4
Printer (dot matrix) 0 0 0 0 0
Printer (inkjet) 0 0 0 0 0
Printer (laser) 10 0 1 0 11
Scanner 1 0 0 0 1
UPS 1 0 0 0 1
Fax 1 0 0 0 1
Intercom 0 0 0 0 0
Internet fixed line 0 0 0 0 0


Equipment report is up-to-date
Equipment   Not installed (No.) Total (No.)
Functional (No.) Non-functional
Repairable (No.) Non-Repairable (No.)
ICT equipment
Internet wireless line (Modem) 1 0 0 0 1
Multimedia 2 0 0 0 2
OHP 0 0 0 0 0
PA system 2 0 0 0 2
Land phone 2 0 0 0 2
Mobile phone 0 0 0 0 0
Photocopier machine 0 1 0 0 1
Digital camera 0 0 0 0 0
Video camera 0 0 0 0 0


Important information and necessary issues you want to raise
We want to raise the following success history in Bandarban District, such as: 1. Increasing fully vaccinated children coverage eg -FVC 94%.(Administrative report) in District. 2. Developing or re-establishing EPI Micro Plan for routine EPI coverage and HOT SPOT identification for EDPT to be achieved malaria related zero death and sustained POLIO free Bangladesh by 2018. 3. Promoting on line registration through DHIS2 and ensure COIA PLUS, default tracking of pregnant women for save motherhood.and reproductive health rights in 11 COIA recommendations and indications by the program area. 4. Awarding the best CC performer 2015 namely Sandip Para CC, Lama Upazila at Divisional Level from honorable Prime Minister in Dhaka. 5. Establishing functional CC at about 80 in District with medicine, resource and manpower to access health service covering all most 4 lac population at grass root level by the year 2015. Currently average 35 persons seek care per CC per day and most of them (80%) are women and Children at the door steps care in Bandarban District at different upazila. 5. Providing 18 CHCP's for CSBA training for safe delivery at CC extended delivery site in district at upazila level. 6. Establishing Zine-expert machine for MDR TB l and also promote eHealth through Telemedicine at district hospital. The issues needs to address with special consideration: 7. CC construction considering Local prospect and limitation. 8. HR recruitment for newly upgraded unions. 9. Placement of posting minimum for years and regularized withdrawn. 10. Provision of special incentives/allowance working in hard to reach areas workers. Thanks for all Dr. Uday Sankar Chakma Civil Surgeon Bandarban Hill District.