Real Estate Investing

Property investing ain’t just for fancy folks in suits; it’s a road available to anyone trying to secure their financial future. You might not like the idea of being a regular landlord, dealing with drippy taps and demanding residents, but fear not! There’s a whole universe of property investment openings out there, tailored to your preferences and chance tolerance. Let’s venture on this voyage together and find the perfect path for you.

Property investing ain’t one-size-fits-all. It’s a fancy tapestry of opportunities, each offering its own peculiar blend of benefits and struggles. From low-maintenance ventures like Property Investment Trusts (PITs) to hands-on endeavors like house flipping, there’s something for everyone.

Let’s take a closer glance at some of the most favorite options.

Types of Real Estate Investments:

1. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): Your Ticket to Passive Income

REITs are like the Swiss Cheese knives of property investing. They enable you to dip your fingers into the realm of property ownership without the problem of dealing with bodily properties. Rather, you invest in companies that own and handle property assets, such as workplace buildings, shopping centers, and hotels. It’s like owning a chunk of the property pie without having to bake it yourself.

When you’re thinking about investing in REITs, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

Assortment and Complexity: REITs come in all patterns and sizes, and they can get pretty complex. Some of them are traded on stock deals, just like regular stocks. Others aren’t openly traded, which means they’re a bit harder to get your palms on.

Risk Factors: The kind of REIT you pick can really affect how risky your investment is. If you’re just starting out, it’s usually safer to stick with publicly traded REITs. They’re easier to buy and sell through brokerage accounts. Setting up a brokerage account is usually pretty quick, and a lot of them don’t require a big initial investment (although the REIT itself might).

Diversification: If you want to spread out your risk, you might consider investing in a REIT fund or ETF. These let you invest in lots of different real estate projects all at once, which can help protect your money.

2. Investing Through Online Platforms:

These online platforms bring together people who want to invest money with developers who need funding for real estate projects. As an investor, you can chip in by either loaning money or buying a stake in the project. In return, you might get regular payouts, but keep in mind that these investments come with risks and you’ll have to pay fees to the platform. Also, it’s important to know that once you’ve invested, it’s not easy to quickly sell off your stake like you can with stocks.

Who Can Invest:

A lot of these online platforms have rules about who can invest. They usually prefer people who meet certain financial criteria, which the Securities and Exchange Commission calls “accredited investors.” These are folks who either make a lot of money or have a high net worth. But don’t worry if you don’t fit into that category—there are still some platforms like Fundrise and RealtyMogul that offer different investment options for everyone else.

3. Rental Properties: Constructing Long-Term Wealth

Investing in rental properties isn’t just about owning a part of property; it’s about setting yourself up for steady income and watching your investment grow over time. Sure, it takes some work, but the advantages can be well worth it.

Exploring Different Approaches:

House Hacking:

Imagine living in a place with extra units you can rent out to cover your own costs and maybe even make some extra cash on the side. That’s house hacking—making your home work for you financially.

Traditional Buy-and-Hold:

This is the classic way of investing in real estate. You buy a home or a small apartment building, rent it out to tenants, and collect rent every month while hoping the property’s value goes up over the years.

Location: It’s like the golden rule of real estate—location, location, location. You want to pick a spot where people want to live, with good schools, jobs nearby, and maybe some cool stuff to do.

Property Type: Single-family homes are simpler to deal with, but if you’re up for it, a multi-unit building might bring in more money in the long run. Just think about what fits your budget and how much work you want to put in.

Getting the Money: Getting a loan for an investment property can be a bit different from getting a mortgage for your own home. You might need to put down more money upfront, and the terms could be different. It’s worth shopping around for the best deal.

Keeping Things Running Smoothly: Being a landlord means staying on top of things—finding good tenants, fixing stuff when it breaks, and making sure the rent gets paid. If that sounds like too much, you can always hire a property manager to take care of things for you.

BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance):

This is like a DIY project for real estate investing. You buy a property that needs fixing up, do the work, rent it out for more money, then refinance to get some of your cash back to do it all over again.

Tips for BRRRR:

Know Your Stuff: Renovating a place isn’t easy, so you’ll want to know what you’re doing or have someone who does.

Timing is Everything: This strategy only works if you can fix up the place quickly and get it rented out for a good price. So, make sure you’ve got a solid plan in place.

4. House Flipping: Getting Your Hands Dirty for Profit

House flipping might seem like something out of a TV show, promising quick cash and a glamorous lifestyle. But in reality, it’s a bit more complex than that. Sure, it can be rewarding, but it takes careful planning, knowing the market inside out, and having some serious skills to make it work.

The Step-by-Step:

Finding the Right Place: First things first, you’ve got to hunt down a house that’s just begging for a makeover. You want something in a good neighborhood that needs a bit of love but isn’t a total wreck. Keeping an eye on what’s happening in the local market helps you pick the right spot.

Figuring Out the Costs: Before you start swinging hammers, you’ve got to know how much it’s going to cost to fix up the place. That means adding up all the materials, paying workers, and dealing with any surprises that pop up along the way. It’s smart to get a few different quotes from the pros.

Getting Down to Work: When it comes to renovations, you’ve got to spend your money wisely. Focus on stuff that’s going to make a big difference, like making the place look great from the outside, sprucing up the kitchen and bathrooms, and making sure everything’s safe and sound.

Getting the Word Out: Once the dust settles, it’s time to find someone who wants to buy your freshly renovated home. That means taking some killer photos, setting a price that makes sense, and getting the word out there on all the usual real estate websites.

Some Things to Keep in Mind:

Market Rollercoaster: The housing market can be a bit unpredictable. You might find yourself waiting longer than you expected to sell, or maybe you won’t get quite as much for the place as you hoped.

Money, Money, Money: The longer you hold onto the property, the more it costs you. Between mortgage payments, insurance, and taxes, those expenses can really eat into your profits.

Standing Out: Flipping houses is a popular game, so you’ve got to find a way to make your place shine brighter than the rest. That means finding properties with real potential and putting in the work to make them special.

5. Renting Out a Room: Making Your Home Work for You

If you’ve been on the fence about diving into real estate investments, renting out that spare room in your house might just be the perfect way to dip your toe in. It’s a straightforward strategy that could cut down your housing expenses and even give your property’s value a boost in the long run. Plus, having someone else chip in on the mortgage can make life a lot easier, especially for younger homeowners.

Why Rent Out a Room?

Saving Some Cash: Let’s face it—mortgages and bills can eat up a big chunk of your paycheck. But renting out a room can help ease that burden, giving you more cash to play with each month.

Making Homeownership Doable: For those of us trying to break into the housing market in pricy areas, that extra rental income could be the golden ticket to making our homeownership dreams a reality.

Adding a Bit of Company: Living alone can get lonely sometimes. Having a roommate can bring some extra warmth and laughter into your home.

Picking the Perfect Roomie

Where to Look: You’ve got options when it comes to finding the right person to share your space. Websites like Airbnb and roommate-matching services can hook you up with potential tenants who’ve already been vetted to some extent.

Laying Down the Law: It’s important to start off on the right foot by setting clear ground rules about everything from rent and bills to who gets to hog the TV remote. Trust me, it’ll save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Finding Your Match: Compatibility matters when it comes to living with someone else. Take the time to chat with potential roomies and make sure you’re on the same page about important stuff like cleanliness and noise levels.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Kiss Privacy Goodbye: Sharing your home means sharing your space, so get ready to compromise on a few things.

Handling Disagreements: Living with another human being is bound to lead to some disagreements now and then. But with open communication and a clear set of rules, you can keep the peace.

Playing Landlord: Don’t forget, being a landlord comes with responsibilities. You’ll be in charge of keeping the shared areas in tip-top shape and sorting out any repairs that come up in your renter’s room.

In a nutshell, renting out a room is like a gentle wade into the world of real estate investing. It’s a flexible and easy way to start earning some extra cash, maybe even edge closer to owning your own home, and hey, you might just find a great friend in the process. Best part? You don’t need a ton of money upfront like you might with other investments.

Real Estate Investing 101: Practical Tips for Beginner Investors

Have you ever thought about getting into the world of real estate investing but feel confused about where to start? that’s normal. If you want to be successful in the world of property then you have to master the basics. In this article, we will tell you what to start your adventure in the world of real estate investing.

Understanding Real Estate Investing

Before we discuss it in more detail, we must understand what is actually meant by real estate investment. Real estate investment includes purchasing, owning, managing, renting, to selling property for the purpose of making a profit. And this type of property investment varies, from residential homes, commercial properties, to industrial properties. As we have discussed above.

Benefits of Real Estate Investing

One of the main reasons why people enjoy investing in real estate is its potential to generate huge profits. Unlike other investments, real estate offers great advantages such as income from renting out the property, appreciation in the value of the property over time, and tax benefits such as depreciation deductions and capital gains tax advantages.

Key Skills Every Successful Investor Needs

To succeed in real estate investing, it is critical to develop specific skills that differentiate you from other investors.

Here are some key skills that will set you apart from other investors:

    • Financial Literacy: Understanding key financial concepts like cash flow analysis, ROI calculations, and risk assessment is essential for making informed investment decisions.

    • Market Analysis: Conducting thorough market research to identify lucrative investment opportunities and predict future trends is essential for maximizing profits.

    • Negotiation Skills: Negotiating favorable deals with sellers, buyers, tenants, and lenders can significantly impact your bottom line.

    • Property Management: Effectively managing rental properties, including tenant screening, maintenance, and lease agreements, is crucial for ensuring long-term profitability.

    • Risk Management: Mitigating risk through diversification, insurance coverage, and emergency planning is essential for safeguarding your investment portfolio.

Strategies for Real Estate Investing

Now that you understand the basic principles and essential skills of investing in property.

Ready to put your knowledge to work? Here are some popular real estate investing strategies to explore some important strategies for real estate investing:

    • Buy and Hold: You can purchase a property with the intention of holding it for the long term, benefiting from rental income and property appreciation.

    • Fix and Flip: Acquiring a distressed property, renovating it to increase its value, and selling it for a profit.

    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Invest in publicly traded REITs, which allow you to access a diversified real estate portfolio without owning the properties outright.

    • Wholesaling: Facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers without taking ownership of the property, earning profits through multiple assignment or closing fees.

Practical Tips for Beginner Investors

For beginners just starting their real estate investment journey, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Start Small: Start with smaller, manageable investments to gain experience and minimize risk.
Educate Yourself: Expand your knowledge about property investing through books, courses, seminars and studying with experienced investors.
Build a Strong Network: Surround yourself with industry professionals, including real estate agents, lenders, contractors, and fellow investors.
Perform Due Diligence: Research the property, market, and investment opportunity thoroughly before committing your capital.
Remain Patient and Persistent: Real estate investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay disciplined, persevere in facing challenges, and stay focused on your long-term goals.

Investing in real estate can be profitable and rewarding for those willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication necessary to succeed. By understanding the basics, honing important skills, applying a strategic approach, and staying informed, you can be confident in achieving your financial goals.

Original post:

Los Andes: Cercado por la policía, el violador serial se quiso matar de un tiro

Se trata de Marcelo Mario Sajen, de 39 años, quien esta noche agonizaba en el hospital Municipal de Urgencias de Córdoba, hacia donde fue llevado, según la policía, tras haberse disparado un balazo en la sien derecha con una pistola calibre 11.25.

Precisamente el gobernador de la provincia José Manuel de la Sota y el fiscal que tiene a su cargo la investigación por las violaciones, Juan Manuel Ugarte, ofrecieron una conferencia de prensa en la que difundieron su fotografía y sus datos personales.

El jefe de la policía de Córdoba, comisario Jorge Rodríguez, confirmó que el hombre herido es el que estaba siendo buscado por las casi 60 violaciones y señaló que fue trasladado al hospital Municipal de Urgencias de la capital provincial, donde se encuentra en internado en terapia intensiva con un cuadro de extrema gravedad.

El episodio se originó en una casa ubicada en Altos de Chipión y Tío Pujio, del barrio Santa Isabel, donde el hombre se refugiaba luego de que la Justicia y el propio gobernador difundieran su fotografía.

En momentos en que los policías se acercaron a apresarlo en el jardín de la casa, según las fuentes policiales, Sajen extrajo una pistola y se disparó un tiro en la sien.

Inmediatamente, el hombre fue trasladado al hospital Municipal de Urgencias, donde decenas de vecinos y algunas de las estudiantes universitarias abusadas se concentraron de manera espontánea.

El fiscal Ugarte y el gobernador De la Sota confirmaron públicamente que Sajen es el violador que cometió los 59 casos de abusos.

\”Esta persona es el denominado violador serial. Dos pruebas de ADN realizadas en las últimas horas por vías distintas, una de sangre y otra de un elemento de uso personal, revelan que esta persona tiene un patrón genético coincidente con el del semen recogido en los distintos hechos\”, dijo el fiscal.

En tanto, De la Sota había ratificado en esa conferencia de prensa -con la foto de Sajen en mano- la recompensa de 50 mil pesos \”para toda persona que nos ayude a la brevedad posible a la detención de este sujeto\”.

Para llegar hasta el violador serial, la justicia determinó en un primer momento por qué no hubo ataques entre los años 1999 y 2000 y, luego, se decidió investigar a todos los presos que tuvieran un parecido físico con el serial.

El fiscal Ugarte dijo que el hombre \”tiene un frondoso prontuario y estuvo privado de su libertad en varias oportunidades por delitos de instancia privada a partir de 1985, cuando tenía 19 años, y debió cumplir una condena de seis años de prisión por violación\”.

\”Recuperó su libertad en 1989 y volvió a ser detenido en 1993 por una causa en la cual fue sobreseído, pero nuevamente en 1999 fue detenido por un hecho de robo calificado recibiendo una condena de tres años y seis meses de prisión\”, afirmó el funcionario.

Esta última condena explica el por qué no actuó entre los años 1999 y 2003, dijeron fuentes de la investigación.

El hombre actuaba generalmente en la zona de la Ciudad Universitaria y aledaños eligiendo sus víctimas entre estudiantes indefensas.

El fiscal manifestó que \”científicamente está comprobado que desde el año 1985 esta persona venía delinquiendo en nuestra ciudad con similar modus operandi\”.

En la investigación se comprobó que uno de los sospechosos se asemejaba mucho al último retrato realizado por la Policía de la provincia de Córdoba, con lo cual se decidió extraer una muestra genética a uno de sus hijos, la cual arrojó resultado positivo.

“Estado crítico, muy malo”

El sindicado violador de Córdoba que se pegó un tiro en la cabeza cuando estaba por ser detenido, perdió gran cantidad de masa encefálica, su estado es crítico y no tiene posibilidad de ser operado, informó el hospital Municipal de Urgencias de Córdoba.

La subdirectora del nosocomio, Laura Ortiz, indicó esta noche que el estado de salud de Marcelo Mario Sajen es \”crítico, muy malo\” y que por el tipo de lesión, \”no tiene posibilidad de cirugía\”.

Ortiz precisó que Sajen ingresó a ese centro sanitario \”con una herida de arma de fuego en cráneo, con orificio de entrada en región derecha y orificio de salida en región izquierda y gran pérdida de masa encefálica\”.

“El rostro del miedo”

“Satisfacción, saber que ya tiene una cara el miedo”, esa fue la primera sensación que alcanzó a expresar Daisy, una de las víctimas del violador serial, a pocos minutos de conocerse por los medios la identificación del sujeto.

No sintió alegría, explicó sino la certeza de que ése que mostraba la televisión era el rostro del depravado, muy diferente del identikit que se difundió hasta ahora: “Yo creo que uno pone esa cara tan monstruosa porque tiene miedo pero yo sabía que en sí la cara no era esa”.

“Si bien conmigo no hay un patrón genético que lo diga, yo estoy segura que es él”, dijo la joven que fue atacada en la zona de barrio San Vicente y no había formulado la denuncia por temor a las represalias del agresor, que amenazó con matar a sus conocidos. Admitió que el papel de las víctimas es clave para apresar al delincuente: “Yo creo que el Gobierno, la Policía tardó un poco, pero yo creo que las víctimas debieran haber colaborado con más intensidad\”.

“Generalmente una siente que un fantasma te atacó que un… ¡el diablo era!, no sabés cómo llamarle y nunca tuvo una cara, en este momento ya la tiene”, concluyó la mujer, atacada por el serial en 1999, en barrio San Vicente.

enlace: Los Andes

How Clean is Clean Enough For Buyers?

Are you a slob or a neatnik? An Oscar or a Felix? Pig Pen or Mr. Clean? A Buyer or a Seller? While it’s not normally anyone else’s concern, it can become an issue when it is time to hand over the keys to a home.

Everyone’s idea of cleanliness is different. Some buyers expect a property to be spic and span when the seller signs the closing papers. Some sellers feel that “broom clean” is good enough as they are walking out the door. So who is right?

The Contract Says:

Paragraph 7D of the standard Texas real estate contract addresses the condition of the property. It refers to the actual state of the property condition at the time the contract is signed and executed by all parties. There are two boxes for acceptance of property condition and the buyer should mark one of them before signing the contract.

Box 1 states that the “Buyer accepts the Property As Is.” That means what it sounds like. The buyer is purchasing the property in the present condition with any defects. If buyer and seller subsequently negotiate repairs, that requires a separate amendment to the contract.

Box 2 indicates the “Buyer accepts the Property As Is provided Seller, at Seller’s expense, shall complete the following specific repairs and treatments: _____.” This is where a request for certain items to be cleaned or repaired can be inserted.

The Vague Description of Clean

The Texas real estate contract intentionally does not address the issue of leaving a house in “clean” condition. A seller is obligated to turn over the property to the buyer in the same condition it was in at the time the property went under contract.

So the question is: Was the property spotless at the time the buyer and seller signed their contract to sell? If so, then it should be sparkling clean when the buyer gets possession. If it was neat and tidy, but not immaculate, then that is the condition the buyer should expect to receive it.

A seller is not required to meet the same criteria for cleanliness as a tenant does when moving out of a rental property. There is usually no expectation of shampooed carpets or a freshly scrubbed oven.

Special Instructions

Often I see contracts that include a provision or statement that says the seller will have the property professionally cleaned prior to closing or prior to the buyer’s possession. That phrase can cause problems.

The phrase “professionally cleaned” can cover a huge range of details. Do the parties expect light maid service with vacuuming or do they expect a deep cleaning that includes appliances and windows? It all goes back to each person’s interpretation of cleanliness.

If the contract states that the property will be professionally cleaned, then the seller should plan to provide a receipt for the cleaning service to the buyer.

All parties should be respectful of the challenges to both buyers and sellers. Sellers usually have their hands full tackling the tasks of packing and moving. Buyers want to move into a clean home. Understanding on both sides goes a long way to make for a happy transaction.


GTCL written exam date and time

Applicants might already get the exam date and time details on their mobile phone via SMS send by GTCL . Written examination for the posts of Assistant Manager (General), Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Assistant Engineer (Civil) and Deputy Assistant Engineer (Computer Science) of Gas Transmission Company Limited will be held on 26 November from 10:00 am to 11:10 pm.

You can download the admit card from the website ( ).